The 3 big surprises for patients facing breast cancer treatment
Sure it’s one of the worst days of your life when you get the news.
Telling your friends and family was very hard.
Finding the right medical team was not easy, you are bombarded with so much complex information.
The stress and fear has stayed with you.
Let’s be honest, a lot of what we have told you has not yet sunk in.
It doesn’t have to be all gloom – what keeps a lot of patients going is a sense of hope and a positive outlook.
The chances are good – see the comforting news on the National Breast Cancer Foundation website:
While you may not feel it at the moment, you are the one in control – the choices are yours.
Surprise 1
For some people a time like this is when they get a real sense of what’s truly important in their lives.
For once your priorities are very straightforward as you put all your efforts into getting well. A lot of the small stuff that may have been taking up your time gets wiped away by what’s really important.
Surprise 2
The good relationships you build with your practitioners – specialist doctors, nurses, admin staff and the technicians and helpers – can be deep and long-lasting.
Surprise 3
In spite of the fear and pain, the journey can be interesting – you can become part of a fast evolving area of medical research, in the front line.
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