FEMALE.COM.AU Feature: Can a sports injury increase your risk of breast cancer?
There is no link between sports injuries and breast cancer.
If you had an active childhood spent playing sports afterschool or on the weekend you might have sustained the odd sports injury here and there in those rough and tumble days. Let’s face it, netball can get a bit rough and elbows tend to go flying at the best of times. Sometimes our old injuries can come back to haunt us as we age.
Some people believe that sports injuries can lead to breast cancer, however, Associate Professor Sanjay Warrier assures everyone that this is not the case.
There is no link between sports injuries and cancer, he clarified, however, an injury may draw attention to a previously formed lump, which is then how the cancer is detected.
More information is contained in the article below:
If you have any questions, please reach out. I offer several clinic locations. For further information please reach out to our specialist breast cancer clinic.